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SMS ur Prayers to Sai Baba Samadhi....
To send your prayers and wishes to Shri Sai Baba Samadhi temple.. Type SAI space your Message/ Prayer and send it to 59994 a service which is started by Sai Baba Sansthan Trust. Each and every message is taken as a print out and placed at Baba's Samadhi Temple..and the prayers of Devotees are put in the Dhuni after 24 hours...
The service is working across Indian mobiles also the money that U spend on the SMS is given to the Sansthan in Shirdi for all the charity they do.
Our Sai Brothers & Sisters, those who are out of India they can also use this service. I spoke http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifto the service provider and found the below method fr thm:
Type SAI (space) Your prayer/wish and send it to 09999659994
To get more information U can call Shridi 02423-258500 (30 channels). Ask for IT department, and know more about this service (if you wish).
Hope our Wish / Prayer is Heard...
Om Sai Ram...
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How to Convert ur cooler into an A.C. (my trick)
12 years ago